+ I have studied and have been in consultation with Kitty and Theresa for over four years. They bring different, but complementary strengths to their workshops and together create a warm and safe environment for learning and developing new skills. Their experiential approach to teaching makes the curriculum very alive and rich, as well as fun. Their Somatic workshops helped me grow professionally and personally. I highly recommend them to any therapist or healing professional who wants to learn how to interact more authentically and effectively with their clients.
-Myra J. Mayesh, MFT
+ Thank you so much for your beautiful invitation to befriend my relationships and treat them with the kind of softness and dynamic, full-bodied attention that a good mama gives her young. I am ecstatic to stop treating my partners as children and instead to see them as co-conspirators in the raising of our beautiful relationships. While I have worked with elements of the body knot, I absolutely loved getting the whole thing and getting it out of my head and onto paper to play with in the physical space. I want more! And just in general, I think I finally get what people are up to when they are doing somatic therapy. What a win for me!
Beautiful and useful website.