+ Hi Kitty and Theresa, I’m writing to express my gratitude to each of you for being such wonderful support and teachers during my gestation as a new therapist. Over the past 3-4 months my practice has filled up and I owe a lot of that to you. I’m able to help deeply troubled people in profound ways and a lot of that comes from the ability to be courageous in the sessions and truly meet the client where they need to be met. Both of you have given me a platform to stand on. I appreciate both of you.
Warm regards,
Myron Walters, MFT
+ Kitty and Teresa bring a rare mix of cognitive and emotional intelligence to psychotherapy, and the transition between our work with clients and our work on ourselves is seamless. Always kind, honest and insightful, Kitty and Theresa gently encourage us to contact the places where energy and emotion are blocked, and bring years of knowledge and practice to facilitate deep releases in the supportive group environment. It is a treat to experience, and I would encourage anyone wanting to deepen their work to take the somatics training…